If ownership of data is simply split between members, then you will have greater data buffering but you have the potential of having transaction routing issues. 如果数据的所有关系可以简单地在成员之间划分,那么您将拥有更好的数据缓冲,但是有可能遇到事务路由问题。
This paper gives an introduction of a middleware on line transaction processing, especially discusses the involving technologies: message queues mechanism, data-dependent routing, load-balance mechanism and so on. 该文介绍了联机事务处理中间件的实现,特别讨论了所用到的消息队列通信、数据依赖路由及负载平衡的实现及应用。
There are transactions in the ForCES router, such as routing and resource reverse. 在ForCES路由器中存在着事务(transaction),比如路由路径和资源的预留。
In the routing trust evaluation algorithm, according to the contribution of routing recommendation peers, the service demander peers share the transaction profit with them in order that the routing recommendation peers can attain the routing trust of their neighbors by routing search messages to them. 在路由可信度评估算法中,服务请求节点根据路由推荐节点的贡献,与其分享交易的利润,从而使路由推荐节点通过为其它节点路由搜索消息,来了解其邻居节点的路由可信度信息。