transaction routing

英 [trænˈzækʃn ˈraʊtɪŋ] 美 [trænˈzækʃn ˈraʊtɪŋ]

网络  事务路由; 事务处理路径选择; 交易路由



  1. If ownership of data is simply split between members, then you will have greater data buffering but you have the potential of having transaction routing issues.
  2. This paper gives an introduction of a middleware on line transaction processing, especially discusses the involving technologies: message queues mechanism, data-dependent routing, load-balance mechanism and so on.
  3. There are transactions in the ForCES router, such as routing and resource reverse.
  4. In the routing trust evaluation algorithm, according to the contribution of routing recommendation peers, the service demander peers share the transaction profit with them in order that the routing recommendation peers can attain the routing trust of their neighbors by routing search messages to them.